ACC’s Escalated Care Pathway (ECP)

Introducing the Escalated Care Pathway (ECP)

We are excited to announce our collaboration with HABIT HEALTH to offer comprehensive physiotherapy services in Wanaka through the Escalated Care Pathway (ECP). The ECP is a fully funded rehabilitation program designed to support individuals with significant injuries, ensuring they receive a higher level of care to help them achieve their goals effectively.

The ECP’s objective is straightforward: to facilitate a smoother, simpler, and faster recovery process for ACC injuries, all while placing a stronger emphasis on patient-centered care.

Goals of ECP:

  • Guarantee that each patient is on the most appropriate pathway for their individual needs
  • Enhance access to care by increasing financial assistance
  • Enhance the patient experience, reduce wait times, and minimize interactions with ACC
  • Use evidence-based treatment approaches of the highest quality
  • Reduce the rates of re-injury and re-operation

Individuals with lower back, shoulder, ankle and knee conditions that aren’t improving with normal primary care treatment or who have significant injuries (surgical or non-surgical) are eligible for the programme.

Eligible knee, shoulder, ankle or lumbar spine patients will meet any of the following criteria:

  • Significant mechanism of injury
  • Significant injury/signs and symptoms
  • Unresolved symptoms after 6 weeks
  • Off work longer than 2 weeks or at risk of going off work
  • Not improving as expected with conservative treatment


Through ECP, individuals have  access to a team of  professionals, including Physiotherapists, Sports Medicine Specialists, Orthopaedic Surgeons, Occupational Therapists, and other members of the Multidisciplinary Team (MDT). This integrated approach streamlines the rehabilitation process for both surgical and non-surgical services, reducing waiting times and eliminating the inefficiencies associated with a fragmented approach. Notably, once accepted onto the pathway, all services are fully covered by ACC, eliminating any financial burden for the patient